Leadership Development

Washington Initiative for Leaders

What’s the purpose of WIL?

WIL (Washington Initiative for Leaders), in partnership with Grand Rapids Initiative for Leaders (GRIL), is an off-shoot of the DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative (DVULI). WIL is grounded in the belief that by investing in emerging urban leaders who are adults (people with demonstrated potential for effective organizational leadership) our urban youth and families will be blessed. WIL invests in emerging leaders by helping them expand or develop certain core values and some “breakthrough” skills and plans. This process will help them plan and implement their call/purpose more effectively to youth, families, and the churches or organizations through which they serve.

Why should you be involved?

WIL presents a great opportunity to invest in emerging urban leaders. It addresses the whole person, from their work to community to personal life. We believe that you are a key asset within the community. WIL is a serious attempt to be a blessing to leaders like you. From that kind of base, our prayer is that participants will be able to lead youth and families in making better, long-term, life-changing decisions for themselves. We also hope that our churches and organizations will become more fruitful places for youth and families as they work out these life-changing decisions. That hope and excitement is why WIL exists.

Here is the link for Washington Initiative for Leaders: http://wileaders.org/

For questions and more information, please email us at seattle.innercity@cru.org.

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