Faculty & Graduates

Professors Profess Jesus

After working 20 years in information technology, Josie Cheng felt God redirecting her toward the academic world.

Katie Croft
Photo courtesy of Josie Cheng <br />

After working for 20 years in information technology, Josie Cheng felt God directing her toward the academic world.

Today, the professor of information technology at Oklahoma Stillwater University has a mission statement for her life: to point people to Christ.

"I think that in an authentic Christian walk, we will show the integration of our faith in our daily life," says Josie.

The Taiwanese-born professor first heard about Jesus from missionaries in her homeland when she was 18.

Three years ago, Josie attended a conference for Christian professors in Washington, D.C., sponsored by Faculty Commons, a ministry of Cru to professors.

The passion to use her position as colleague and professor for God's glory sprang to life during the conference.

"There I has the calling to awaken the campus in the United States and to serve students with humility," remembers Josie. "I was really moved by it."

Now Josie teaches many of these principles when she speaks at national and international conferences. On campus, Josie is intentional with her time.

"I will purposefully hire my TAs (teaching assistants) for their qualifications," says Josie, "but I am also looking for the opportunity to talk about my faith. I can't share my life story or about my success without talking about God."

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