Jesus Film Project

Find Christ Through Facebook

Kadir, once a follower of the dominant religion in the Middle East, was “surfing” the Internet when he stumbled on the Facebook® page of a Middle Eastern Christian. Kadir became curious about what he saw and contacted the page’s owner, Basel. Kadir began asking Basel a number of questions, about life...and about Jesus. Conversing via Facebook offers seekers a measure of safety. To ask openly about Jesus or Christianity in their culture can result in social pressure, persecution, or violence.

After several private conversations, Basel could tell Kadir was ready. So he sent Kadir a link to the JESUS Film Media app suggesting, “Why don’t you just watch this movie about Jesus, and we’ll talk after?” Kadir clicked on the link and began watching (through video live streaming).

The following day Kadir left a message. “After watching this movie about Jesus, I now know who He is. There is nothing I can do except to ask Him to be in my heart.”

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* Names changed 

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