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Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Ian Whitfield

Ian Whitfield

National Communications Director
LeaderImpact Group

Ian Whitfield is the National Communications Director for LeaderImpact Group, a ministry of Power to Change, Campus Crusade for Christ in Canada. A 19-year staff member, he helps provide coaching to community-based teams throughout Canada, trains and teaches leaders in Latin America and Canada, and speaks evangelistically. Ian is an avid tennis player and also enjoys the arts. He and his wife, Andrea, were married in October of 2007.

Why did you join Campus Crusade for Christ?
At that point in my life, it was the best way to invest my time. I joined thinking it would be 2 years. I just made a logical decision that this was a very good investment of my life, labor, influence, finances, and expertise.

How do you help build spiritual movements everywhere?
Training. I train people in the basics and get somebody else to take the leadership role. I'm constantly handing the baton off. I'm a huge advocate for the fact that we'll have spiritual movements everywhere if someone simply takes a step of faith and engages someone in conversation. If I can help people do that and feel confident, then I think I'm making a great contribution.

What is a favorite ministry moment?
Recently, a fellow I led to the Lord about 7 months ago, made the statement, "How fortuitous it was that you would engage me in conversation on that tennis court that day." It struck me that often all it takes is simply that faith step to start a conversation and see what God will do with that. That's why I do what I do, for guys like Elliot.

What do you think makes a successful leader?
Teachability, my ability to see and admit when I'm wrong. If I can see my faults and see that I'm not perfect, then I will definitely be able to grow. Having people around me who are not "yes" people, who question me, help me keep a balanced and steady perspective and purpose about what I'm doing.

Describe a moment when you trusted God for something bigger than yourself.
In 2000, I ran a national campaign called Power to Change. We had been raising funds for months and had said if God doesn't come through with what we need on this date, then we'll pull the plug. That date came, we needed $50,000. I had the choice, and I said, "If He doesn't answer tonight, then we won't go forward." We put an email out, and we got [the money] at about 20 minutes to midnight.

Do you have a favorite quote? 
"Love is poorly understood by most and experienced by even less."

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