Kit de démarrage de prière

Certains appellent cela parler à Dieu. Certains l’appellent l’écoute. Si vous êtes prêt à explorer la prière, voici comment commencer.

Que se passe-t-il quand vous priez ?

How we understand prayer shapes our expectations of God and colors our relationship with Him.



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Help - je ne sais pas comment prier

When your prayer life feels like a bad case of writer’s block, it might be time to explore some new ways to pray.



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Savez-vous qui vous êtes prier ?

Prayer is a conversation. We are talking to the God who knows us and wants to be known by us.

If you don't know whether you have a personal relationship with God, this outline helps you understand where to begin.

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Montre : Comment passer une journée entière avec Dieu ?

A day set aside to be alone with God. It sounds great in theory. But many of us find the prospect daunting.

Do you wonder how you would fill the time? This short video offers some ideas.


Montre : Guide du débutant journalisation de Bible

Some of us use the pages of our journals as a way to talk with God. We may even find that easier than praying out loud.

If that's not you, but you're willing to give it a try, here's how to get started.


Désencombrer votre temps quotidien avec Dieu

Learn how to establish daily, Christ-centered patterns. All it takes is a little decluttering to start strengthening your time with the Lord.



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