Evangelism Principles

Take Your Hobby to the Next Level

Use what you love to open up spiritual conversations.

Sarah Freyermuth

No matter your stage in life, your favorite pastime can open up a world of opportunity. Whether in the local diner, the neighborhood tennis court, or even the ballroom, people everywhere need to hear about Jesus.

Followers of Christ, called to be His representatives throughout the world, each have unique gifts, abilities and passions. The things we love can be the very things that connect us with people who have never heard about God's love and forgiveness.

Here are 5 easy steps for getting started:

  1. Pray. What hobby might God want you to pursue? Think about your natural talents, such as athleticism or artistic ability, or your special interests, like scrapbooking or the outdoors.
  2. Get equipped. Learn how to use a tool like the Would You Like to Know God Personally? booklet or take an evangelism training class at your church on how to talk with others about God. You can also use questions to begin purposeful spiritual conversations.
  3. Get involved. Sign up for a book club. Take a class at a local college. Try out for a community play.
  4. Initiate with people. Build relationships with the people you meet. Listen. Ask questions. Be sincere.
  5. Recruit others. Get the whole family involved or invite other friends. Ask others to pray for you to have opportunities to tell people about Christ.

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