
Come, Listen to Some News!

Becky Hill

Gregoire Ndayongeje had set up 3 appointments, but was disappointed when only 1 man showed up.

In Cotonou, Benin, a tiny country in West Africa, Gregoire had visited an office hoping to tell employees about Christ. Although 2 of the people he hoped to meet with were gone, Gregoire began to explain the gospel to 1 man, using the Four Spiritual Laws booklet.

At the end of the booklet, the man prayed with Gregoire and invited Christ into his life. "Then he quickly entered other offices [down the hall]," says Gregoire, "while loudly shouting, 'Come, come, listen to some news!'"

The man brought 3 other employees to listen to Gregoire, and two of them also prayed and invited Christ into their lives. He gave each of them a copy of the New Testament.

Gregoire was part of the first phase of Operation Jericho, an evangelistic outreach in the 66 largest cities of French-speaking Africa.

"Nearly 300 Cru staff members from the 17 countries [in French-speaking Africa] came together and were trained in movement building and in how to implement Operation Jericho in their cities," says staff member Daniel Diaka.

Also, more than 1,000 pastors and volunteers from 187 churches in Cotonou were trained in evangelism and discipleship.

During the week, more than 88,000 people heard a clear presentation of the gospel, and approximately 9,000 people indicated decisions to receive Christ.

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