Burkina Faso

Teaching Purity in Ouagadougou

Elizabeth Bahe

"That white guy is ruining our chances with girls," grumbled a student at Ouagadougou University during a "Love-Sex-Marriage" outreach last spring. Tom Dorsch, "the white guy," works on this campus located in the center of this predominantly Muslim country in West Africa.

During his open-air presentation, the Cru staff member urged students to stay sexually pure until marriage. For the second year Tom boldly pushed through his speech on the quad -- a challenging message to give outdoors in his native English, let alone in French.

Afterward, Freddie Ouedraogo -- a first-year student -- approached Tom and asked for his notes. The American asked if he could stop by the young man's dorm room later instead. Freddie agreed.

Later that week, Tom and Freddie met together. "Ever since I got to campus," he told Tom, "I put religion in my hip pocket."

Sitting in Freddie's room, only a fraction of the size of an American dorm room, Tom presented a gospel tract to him. Within two weeks, Freddie prayed and received Christ. Tom continued to meet with him until the end of the school year, guiding him in his new Christian life.

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