
JESUS Follows Ceasefire in Burundi

Evangelistic film is shown 20 times monthly throughout African country

Becky Hill

Thirteen years later, a team finally returned.

In the tiny African country of Burundi, a brutal civil war had raged for 12 years, interrupting all aspects of life. Similar to the situation in neighboring Rwanda, the ethnic tribes of Hutu and Tutsi had fought for decades, and in the war, they killed each other in continual retaliation. Thousands fled to other countries, and more than 300,000 people were killed.

At the height of the war, Cru staff members fled the country, and the usual showings of the JESUS film, movie based on the gospel of Luke, halted in Burundi between 1996 and 1998.

But with the ceasefire in 2005, the teams began to travel widely again to show the film, visiting areas where a new generation had never seen JESUS. It had been 13 years since a team had visited the Kibuye area to show the film.

When the team arrived, the children of the village were already singing and jumping at their arrival.

At the end of the film, Audace Ndayisaba, the director of Cru in Burundi, invited people to accept Christ, and nearly half the crowd indicated decisions to follow Jesus.

Teams are now showing the film an average of 20 times a month around the country, and staff members also trained several people in the Ngozi province how to use the JESUS film as an evangelistic tool.

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