Communication Training Team

How many times have we heard, “It is not what you said but how you said it”?

Communication is not just the words we use. It includes our vocal tone and rate, our facial expressions, how we move or don’t move, and so many other non-verbal skills. We all want our message heard for what we actually say and not what others may perceive. Our communication training will help you deliver your message with increased effectiveness and excellence.

We desire to help others reach their target audience, and ultimately the world, with the gospel message through large group training as well as one-on-one coaching. Our training venues range in size and location according to the needs of our host.

If you love creating environments where learning can excel (event planners), helping create learning pieces (writing, speaking, researching), or are just curious about this training, please give us a ring.

If you want to know more about our training events, please go to the Tools/Resource link or the Events page.

For more information contact:

Vicki Guinn: | (317­) 985­-8835

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