Rock Your Meeting

We want to help you take the next step in bringing your best to your weekly meetings and other events. Each of our 23 videos tackles one practical topic in under five minutes. Videos are arranged by category.

Communication Training

Communication Matters

Vicki Guinn and Rasool Berry discuss why good communication is crucial in connecting people with Jesus.

Essentials of Communication

Rasool Berry and Vicki Guinn introduce us to the three foundational elements of good communication.

Essentials – Ethos

Rasool Berry shows how the apostle Paul demonstrated the communication essential ethos when he preached in Athens.

Essentials – Pathos

Rasool Berry shares how Jesus connected with His listeners using the communication essential pathos.

Essentials – Logos

Rasool Berry tells how Jesus used the communication essential logos in a confrontation with religious leaders.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Vicki Guinn discusses the importance of practicing your presentation and gives some helpful principles to make your practice effective.

Emcee Training

The Emcee as Shepherd

The role of emcee is more significant than one might think. Lee Watkins and Rasool Berry discuss insights about the emcee's main responsibility.

Four Roles of an Emcee

Bob Horner gives four illustrations that shed light on how the emcee contributes to a program.


Introducing an Event

Bob Horner demonstrates how an emcee can open an event in a way that draws in listeners and creates anticipation.

Introducing Your Speaker Well

Lee Watkins demonstrates an effective speaker introduction and explains how he prepares to introduce someone.

Worship Training

Worship Matters

Dave Fackler and Lindsay Boccardo talk about the importance of worship, the role music plays in worship, and how God uses worship.

Worship with Head and Heart

What does God expect of His worshipers? Dave Fackler and Lindsay Boccardo discuss what Jesus taught about true worship.

Being Real in Worship

Seth Irby shares what God is teaching him about being an authentic worshiper while he leads others in worship.

Shaping Your Worship Set

Seth Irby explains how to design worship that will guide people's hearts and follow God's leading.


Getting From Song to Song

How do you move effectively between songs in a worship time? Lindsay Boccardo describes failures she has seen and Seth Irby offers practical ideas to succeed.

Leading Worship: It’s More Than You Think

Dave Fackler and Lindsay Boccardo examine what is involved in leading a worship band both onstage and off.

Components of Worship: Reasons to Sing

Seth Irby and Lindsay Boccardo explore themes you can address in worship to help prepare hearts to connect with God.

ABCs of Worship Planning

Seth Irby and Rasool Berry discuss how to get started in planning a musical worship set.


Planning Worship: Part 1

You’ve done your ABCs, so now what? Seth Irby walks us through the next steps in the worship planning process.


Planning Worship: Part 2

Seth Irby finishes his step-by-step guide of how to plan musical worship.


Event Programming Training

Creativity Matters

Vicki Guinn and Rasool Berry talk about the importance of creativity in planning weekly meetings and other events.


Considering Your Audience

Effective programming starts with considering your audience. Vicki Guinn gives some practical tips to help us do that.


Vicki Guinn walks us through how to have an effective brainstorming session while avoiding “creativity killers.”


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