Image by Desirée Heckmann
High School

Answers to Prayer

After making a decision for Christ, a teen finds God cares about her family.

Jan Stewart

Crazy games and a message about Christ were part of “Big Monday,” an outreach of Student Venture—a ministry of Cru to high-school students. A group of teen girls came with Desirée Heckmann, a Student Venture staff member.

On the drive home, Desirée talked with Steph Hutchens (above, left) and Olivia Cara about their spiritual background and gave them a Connecting with God evangelistic booklet.

Later, Desirée and the girls went for frozen yogurt after school. When Desirée found out Olivia (above, right) hadn’t looked at the booklet, Desirée gave her a new one. This time, Olivia took the time to read it intently.

“What do you think of it?” asked Desirée. Olivia conveyed that she liked how clear it was about the relational aspect of knowing God. “Did you read the prayer?” Desirée asked. Olivia said she had prayed in her heart to know God.

Immediately, Olivia told the other girls at the table about her decision to trust Christ. She continued meeting with Desirée to talk about how Christ never leaves and how we can be sure we have eternal life.

They talked about how her dad losing his job and her grandfather’s death had been hard things for Olivia, but she now had hope for the future.

Later, Olivia told Desirée that her dad got a job and her family is doing better. She saw this as an answer to prayer.

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