High School

Reaching the students and faculty on the world's high school campuses.

Ministry Presence: 20 cities in the United States and over 100 affiliate locations; ministry or partners in 20 countries

Top Stories

Could the high school ministry’s Urban Immersion internship be for you?

Do you have a heart for reaching inner city teens with the gospel? This ministry to middle and high schoolers reaches far beyond the school building into the families and communities they surround. Could God be calling you to join them?

Reaching Beyond the Walls of the School

How one family is impacting the lives of teens and their families, and how you can do the same.

What the Boy From the Dump Taught Me About Hope

Amber Johnson, at 18, wants people to know the value of entering into someone else’s pain, the way that Jesus did with us. She shares her experience with an injured child in the Philippines while on a Cru high school missions trip.

How to Foster Healthy Spirituality Among Today’s Youth

I don’t think I’ve ever heard more beautiful prayers than I did on a freezing cold weekend in rural Wisconsin.

Why This Coach Takes Students To The Cemetery

A mentor explains his motivation behind almost 30 years of coaching students.

Actress' Faith Story Brings NYC Teen to Tears

April Lee Hernandez, star of Freedom Writers, shared her testimony with a room full of high school students.

They Called Me a Freak

A young man tells his story of rescue.

How to help your child trust

Christina began in foster care, and now she’s empowering other high school girls after learning to thrive with her new family.

The question that changed a life

Samuel put his faith into action after he was trained to tell others about Jesus. He used Soularium photo cards to talk with his friend about spiritual things. His friend placed his faith in Christ.

Why High School?

Cru High School director talks about the school year.

Mixing it up in Houston

A diverse student body near Houston gets revitalized in Christ.

After a tragedy, a local church invests in students

After a classmate collapsed on the football field, Jason Dinh’s life was changed by a local church.


Howard Crutsinger tells how we came up with the concept for the short film, FallingPlates, including brainstorming his idea on a napkin from a hamburger joint.

Teen Committed to Reaching Peers

Indiana high-school senior finds direction and passes it on to friends in unexpected ways.

Answers to Prayer

After making a decision for Christ, a teen finds God cares about her family.

See You After the Pole

This article will teach you how to use the momentum from See You at the Pole to launch a ministry and share Jesus in your high school.

Broken Childhood

A high school student tells his story of life change.

See You At The Pole

See You at the Pole is happening Wednesday, September 24, 2014, and students are encouraged to gather and pray all week long.

Veering Them Toward Jesus

Players on a Texas football team respond to the gospel.

Anastasia Reborn

Anastasia Spinola is a high school sophomore with autism. She found love, acceptance and faith at Cru.

Because I've Been There

New York City teens learn about how to overcome life's struggles from someone who has walked in their shoes.

Creativity a Must for Reaching European Teens

European students respond to new ways of telling ancient stories.

Reaching Out is Key for Teens

Houston high-schoolers follow in the steps of a Cru couple.

Houston Teens Keep Woman Going Back

Yaneth Diaz relates to the struggles faced by teenagers she meets in one of Houston’s most notorious high schools.

How to Change Your Public School

God wants to connect with every middle and high-school student. Read step by step instructions for beginning a ministry at your local school. Also, find out how you can connect with a staff member who will coach you through the process.

King's College Student Challenges High Schoolers to Lead

Alex Kamara, student at King’s College in New York, invests in high school students’ lives by telling them the unusual way God worked in his life.

5,000 Teenagers Surrender to God

One Website helps teens explore God and points them to Him.

American Couple Commits to Change in Africa

African high-school students move toward trusting God and leading their country.

Special Kits Make Outreach Easy For Students

Adult volunteers assist Michigan students in telling the rest of their school about Jesus.

Movement Builds from Basement to Classrooms

Three high-school buddies search for an idea to make Christ known in their high school.

Friday Night Football and Faith in Jesus

James Jackson is a leader with Cru's high school ministry in Plano, Texas. The director of the ministry, Benton Hall, has influenced James’ family for over 3 decades.

The Risk & Reward of College Student Volunteers

Staff member Hung Thach works with college volunteers to help reach high school students for Christ.

The Choices of High School

One student "jumps" to fit it and stand out with the gospel.


How to contact the High School ministry of Cru including their mailing address and hyperlinks for short-term mission and career opportunities.

High School Urban Internship

The Urban Immersion Internship is a 1 to 2 year experience doing urban ministry with the high school ministry of Cru. We launch spiritual movements on high school campuses with a focus on the inner city school system.

Who Are You Really?

Who am I? Where do I find my identity? What do I really want? Take this quiz to help you start to figure out answers to those questions and more.

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