Resources for Equipping

We focus most of our attention on equipping for ministry. We conduct numerous 2 Timothy 2:2 trainings. These are usually 8 weeks in length. We also hold trainings to assist churches in their outreach strategies.

For more information, please email Ken Frech at

New Life in Christ

New Life in Christ

The NEW LIFE IN CHRIST series was originally produced in Spanish as ¿QUIÉN ES JESUCRISTO? Its purpose is to help you discover the true identity of Jesus Christ and the eternal life he offers.

Knowing God Personally

Knowing God Personally

God has made it very clear in the Bible how we can know Him. This study explains how you can personally begin a relationship with God, right now, through Jesus Christ.

2 Timothy 2:2 Discipleship

2 Timothy 2:2 Discipleship

This 8-week class gives an overview of the process of making disciples. The structure of class utilizes the "Teaching Process."

Your New Life in Christ

Your New Life in Christ

Four lessons will help you grow in your faith.

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