Outreach - Jacksonville


Addicted to meth for 20 years, Maria finds help through an inner-city church and Cru®. PowerPacks were a key.

PowerPacks™ are an amazing tool to help Christ-centered urban churches reach out to those in need in their neighborhoods. Brand new school supplies delivered in the name of Christ!

Help needy families with back-to-school necessities and a new pair of shoes. The basic school supplies (we tend to take for granted) are precious for many Jacksonville children. It's like getting a backpack of hope. Getting to see how happy these children are when they receive a new pair of shoes will make you feel privileged. Hope changes everything!

PowerPacks are backpacks filled with school supplies for "at risk" students. Each PowerPack™ contains the following items:

  • Pencils
  • Eraser
  • Notebooks with lined paper
  • Pens
  • Crayons
  • Geometry kit
  • Book of Hope

Cru provides PowerPacks to our partner ministries who distribute them through trained volunteers.

When a volunteer delivered a PowerPack to Henry at his home, his mother Jeanine exclaimed with delight "I don't believe it!" As the volunteer talked further with Jeanine and shared a witnessing booklet with her, she opened her heart to Jesus.

Stories like these are made possible by donations to Cru and the gracious efforts of our partner ministries.

For questions and more information, please email Connie Johnson at connie.johnson@cru.org.

The cost for a PowerPack is $32.45.

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