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About Us - Los Angeles

About Los Angeles


  • The population of Los Angeles County is 9,889,0561
  • Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States2
  • In the city of L.A., over 200 languages are spoken3


  • Unemployment rate in L.A. County is 12.6%4
  • Family poverty rate is 16.8%5
  • Median Income is $55,4766


  • Graduation rate for high school students in L.A. is 71.5% with a dropout rate of 20.3%7
  • Literacy Rate in Los Angeles: 55% of fourth-graders read below the basic level8

1 U.S. Census Bureau

Reference: 2012 County and City Extra: Annual Metro, City, and County Data Book. - Deirdre A. Gaquin (Editor); Mary Meghan Ryan (editor), Lanham, MD : Bernan Press, ©11/2012. 20th ed, pp114-127 [Call Number: R 317.3 C855s 3012]

2 U.S. Census Bureau: Top 20 Cities, Highest Ranking Cities, 1790-2010

3 The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA): May, 2008 newsletter

4 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Reference: 2012 County and City Extra: Annual Metro, City, and County Data Book. - Deirdre A. Gaquin (Editor); Mary Meghan Ryan (Editor), Lanham, Md. : Bernan Press, ©11/2012. 20th ed, pp114-127 [Call Number: R 317.3 C855s 3012]

5 Reference: 2012 County and City Extra: Annual Metro, City, and County Data Book. - Deirdre A. Gaquin (Editor); Mary Meghan Ryan (Editor), Lanham, Md. : Bernan Press, ©11/2012. 20th ed, pp114-127 [Call Number: R 317.3 C855s 3012]

6 Reference: 2012 County and City Extra: Annual Metro, City, and County Data Book. - Deirdre A. Gaquin (Editor); Mary Meghan Ryan (Editor), Lanham, Md. : Bernan Press, ©11/2012. 20th ed, pp114-127 [Call Number: R 317.3 C855s 3012]

7 Source: California Department of Education, Educational Demographics Department

California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System

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8 Everybody Wins! Los Angeles

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