Adult Development

Life Skills

Holistic Hardware

Holistic Hardware stems from grass-roots work run by Joseph Holland, the founder of HARKhomes, a Harlem-based shelter for the homeless.

Using time-tested principles, biblical and real-life role models, dramatic sketches and inspirational testimonies, Holistic Hardware focuses on the ten key tools that an individual needs to transform his circumstances and character: the Vision Tool, the Responsibility Tool, the Self-Esteem Tool, the Faith Tool, the Discipline Tool, the Association Tool, the Planning Tool, the Work Tool, the Wealth Tool, and the Love Tool.

These spiritual and practical resources equip people to build their own houses of personal progress — to move through the dynamic process from brokenness to wholeness.

The Responsibility Tool is lesson 2 of 10. Try it for free. This is a DVD-based curriculum using time-tested principles, biblical and real-life role models, dramatic sketches and inspirational testimonies. Download the printed materials below.


The cost for the complete DVD set is $49.95 plus shipping and state tax. To order your own Holistic Hardware kit, please call Whitney Simon at 612-338-0999 or email her at

For other questions and information, please email us at

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