Youth Development

How to Start a Center

Is your inner-city church interested in partnering with us to open S.A.Y. Yes! Center for Youth Development® at your church? Here’s an overview of the process of opening a center.

Opening a New Center: The Typical Process

  • Church (or ministry) expresses strong interest
  • Vision and Planning time
  • Church (or ministry) and key leadership, including pastor and/or director, agrees with the Mission and Purpose Statements and Guiding Values
  • Center Director and key staff participate in local training. (Get more information about training topics, dates and locations.)
  • Preparation Phase (approximately one to two months)
  • S.A.Y. Yes! Center® opens
  • In Cru® cities, on-site visits and ongoing training (on and off-site, and online)
Getting Started:

The first step in beginning a new center is to contact the S.A.Y. Yes! Center coordinator for New York City at and let us know of your interest.

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