Inner City Seattle/Tacoma

About Us

Mission, Vision, and Values


Serving and mobilizing the Church to live out God's heart for the poor, so all can grow in Christ to build spiritual movements everywhere.


We envision cities transformed by the hope and justice of the gospel.



  • Christ Centered – Start, stay and end with Christ in everything we do
  • City Focused – Called to the poor in the city
  • Church-Based Partnerships – Work with churches and ministries in healthy relationships
  • Wholistic – Transformation of the whole person
  • Biblical Justice and Mercy – Live out God’s heart for the poor and oppressed
  • Leadership Development – Invest in the growth and development of leaders
  • Diversity – Learn from and celebrate all ethnicities, cultures and classes
  • Equipping – Resourcing the body of Christ to do evangelism and discipleship
  • Transferable – Design resources and strategies that equip people to equip others

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