S.A.Y. Yes!® Volunteer Training Videos

#1 Charles' Story

#1 Charles' Story

See how the caring mentors of an inner-city church changed the life of one young man named Charles.


#2 Fearfully Wonderfully Weaved

#2 Fearfully Wonderfully Weaved

When it comes right down to it, do we really value the way that Jesus values... the children?

#3a The Bartletts' Story

#3a The Bartletts' Story

Meet the Bartletts, a family from Denver working to keep the American dream alive.


#3b Kizzi's Story

#3b Kizzi's Story

See Kizzi's unshakable spirit and faith despite challenging circumstances.

#4 The Challenges of Poverty

#4 The Challenges of Poverty

Many things in society seem to work against those who are poor.

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