FamilyLife Offers eMentoring

Connection opportunities are available to be or find a mentor.

Jan Stewart
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One-to-one eMentoring by FamilyLife offers help and hope if you need someone to listen to you, pray for you, or encourage you. Whether it concerns areas in life such as your marriage, your kids, your sex life, or any other part of your family relationships, trained mentors are available to help.

This online eMentoring program provides:

  • 24-hour access to free online anonymous help
  • Custom matching to a mentor
  • Guidance and encouragement from a biblical perspective

The response to accessing the mentoring has been positive. “Thank you for providing an anonymous platform for some of us to be bluntly open about things that we feel very uncomfortable sharing face to face with friends at church...” Another man saw his marriage completely changed.

Whether seeking help or wanting to help others, FamilyLife eMentoring makes it possible to communicate your life experience and your love for Jesus with others online. Mentoring isn’t about fixing people; it’s about listening, asking good questions, and offering biblical encouragement.

Not trained in mentoring, but want to mentor? The tools and mentoring training is given to those who sign up as FamilyLife eMentors.

Churches can develop a ministry to get the word out to be an eMentor. The benefits to your church include:

  • Free tools and training
  • Lay-driven ministry, unburdening pastors
  • Growth in biblical knowledge
  • Easy-to-learn mentoring basics
  • Flexible time and schedule

One mentor comments, “I have actually begun discipling two women in my church since I began mentoring with FamilyLife. The skills and training that I received here has helped tremendously.”

Whether finding a mentor or being a mentor, the connection opportunities are possible at www.FamilyLife.com/eMentoring.

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