
Equipping couples with practical, scripture-based approaches to real-world issues through conferences, broadcasts, and resources.

Year Founded: 1976

Ministry Presence: 109 countries

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10 Things You Can Be Thankful For Today

How do we practice being grateful in every circumstance of life?

There is Hope for Your Blended Marriage

Walt and Ann Bealke have been married for a long time, just not to each other. They are now 5 years into their marriage (the third for each of them), and are seeing God redeem their pasts and build a Gospel-centered marriage.

How Your Kids Can See the World Like a Missionary

We’ve compiled six ways to inspire your children to learn and care about the peoples of the world.

How Can I Have a Ministry When Motherhood Rules My Life?

Three full-time moms navigate the challenges of investing in ministry inside and outside the home.

Man Trainings: Son, Let Me Give You Some Advice

Shawn Cramer’s “Man Training” project – photographs with advice to his 6-year-old son – reflects to him the loving, Father nature of God. See some of his favorite posts from the project.

How to Grow Beyond the Pain of a Broken Family

How unresolved issues with family members will affect all your other relationships.

Children Need Praying Parents

Rob Flood helps parents understand what their children most need: praying parents.

Do All New Moms Feel This Way?

Last Mother’s Day I tried to do the following things to help me remember the journey and delight in the lessons. Will you join me again this year?

Help for Hurried Families

Learn how to make time for your busy family.

Seven Marks of a Hurried Family

These seven signs might mean your family is too busy.

They Annulled Their Divorce

A couple’s marriage ends, but the husband doesn’t give up and they later annul their divorce.

Worried About Visiting Your Family This Holiday Season?

These principles can help you negotiate the challenge of managing the Christmas holidays.

Why a Grateful Child is a Happy Child

Gratitude is not natural; it must be nurtured.

Would they throw away 22 years of marriage?

When Tracey learned her husband was having an affair with his ex-wife, their marriage seemed hopeless.

Does a Good God Want Me in a Bad Marriage?

Even though we seldom can see how God uses trials for our future benefit, He has promised to use them for good, and He is faithful to keep His word.

Their marriage was a train wreck

Roger and Tonya Haskin had no clue about marriage.

A Prisoner’s Definition of Manhood

What happens when you talk to a room full of prisoners about what it really means to be a man?

Taking the pressure off dads

Fathers face many challenges in our performance-oriented culture. Help take the pressure off and honor them this Father’s Day.

God loves stepfamilies too

Many Christians in stepfamilies feel like second-class citizens.

How to Save Your Marriage From Your Job

Couples around the world struggle with miscommunication, mistrust and stressful lifestyles. Are our jobs to blame?

How to Write a Love Note

The most meaningful of love letters are simply true, humble expressions of the heart.

Fifty Shades of Caution

Women are asking if they should view the “Fifty Shades of Grey” film or read the book series.

Clueless boys, Aggressive girls

The fact is many parents don’t realize how little training they are giving their sons in relating to the opposite sex. Temptation, lust and sexual attraction are bearing down on them. They need to be prepared and you need to prepare them.

Starting a New Tradition in 2018

This year, we challenge you to start a new tradition with your family by capturing moments and memories and sharing them with one another at year’s end.

How a Google Search Can Change Marriage

FamilyLife Australia has been running Love That Lasts getaways this year to provide practical marriage advice for couples and help people start a relationship with God.

How God Healed a Marriage Rocked by Infidelity

No one is more amazed by how God has answered prayers than Lori. He somehow put the two families together. He’s the one who can rebuild and restore. He is a God of mercy and forgiveness.

Don’t Become a Social Media Marriage Casualty

Today, one-third of divorce filings contain the word “Facebook.” Learn four steps on how to avoid this in your marriage.

A surprising response to crime in Mexico

A hopeful scene among a history of crime in Mexico.

Prisoners Learn About Courageous Manhood From FamilyLife

Jim Whitmore learned “how not to live life” from his father. Jim helped facilitate a 10-week video series about courageous manhood at a prison in Arkansas.

How Men Should Respond to the NFL Crisis

This issue goes far beyond the NFL. This is a cultural issue—a human relationships, marriage and family issue—and at its root is a crisis in manhood.

20 Ideas for Busy Parents

With today’s endless activities, sometimes families find little time to actually be at home. Here are some tips for busy parents.

Why the 50/50 plan fails in marriage

Meeting each other halfway sounds like a good plan, but it won’t make for a healthy marriage.

5 Themes of Biblical Manhood

What does a real man look like? The honesty of Scripture is one of the reasons the Bible is the place to go to learn what a real man should be and do.

7 Questions to Find Your Spiritual Passion

What captures your allegiance and inspires your passion? Have you discovered God’s calling for your life?

A Dad's Advice on the Best Presents (Yes, Duct Tape)

A helpful list of ideas for dads from a father on Father’s Day.

10 Ways to Honor Mom on Mother’s Day

Creative ways to honor your mom this Mother’s Day.

10 Valentine’s tips from couples married 50 years

Couples married more than 50 years give their advice on making marriage work.

Marriage Turnaround

Eduardo and Diana Rivadeneira go from rock bottom to leading a FamilyLife ministry, weekend seminars and reaching out to couples whose marriages are struggling.

When Christmas Isn’t Perfect

What to really wish for this holiday.

Are Your Kids Thankful?

10 tips to replace common whining with gratitude.

4 Ways to Help Stop Complaining

4 ways to help stop complaining in your life.

Stepping Up As a Dad

I realized I needed to be intentional in raising my children. Fortunately, I had a good model.

The Unmasking of an Online Affair

It began as a search on I was looking for college friends when Danny’s name just popped into my head.* I shot him a quick e-mail, and he responded from overseas. And so began a three-year online affair that almost destroyed two families.

Women Mentoring Women

How to find an older woman to mentor you

25 Ways to Lead Your Family

Men, make this part of your New Year’s resolutions.

Pressure From Friends

3 convictions parents should follow to help their kids resist peer pressure.

7 Essentials for the Christian Life

What is non-negotiable for your faith?

How To Give Your Marriage A Weekend To Remember

FamilyLife hosts over 150 conferences annually to help couples build stronger, healthier relationships.

Pray: FamilyLife staff member and 2 children killed in tornado

FamilyLife staff member Rob Tittle and two of his children were killed in a tornado.

10 Survival Tips for Stepfamily Life

Many couples travel to the “foreign country” of stepfamily living with little or no preparation.

FamilyLife Offers eMentoring

Anyone can have a mentor or be a mentor via the online eMentoring system that FamilyLife offers.

Dave's Story

Dave's marriage was changed through eMentoring.

Six Holiday Boredom Cures for Kids

Six ways to plan intentional activities for children when they are bored with the holidays.

Out of the Average

Helene and Dean Conway once had an average marriage, but after attending A Weekend to Remember, the couple feels like they're back in Honeymoon stage.

From Under the Bed

Paul and Barbara Kelley begin a Bible study to help other couples.

Ideas for Honoring Dad on Father's Day

Interesting Ideas on how to honor your dad for Father's Day

A Day Together

A United Kingdom couple discovers biblical principles for their marriage.

A New Breed of Man

Are you winning at work but losing with your family?

10 Summer Ideas for Your Family

Enjoy a break from the hectic pace of life

Caring for Stepfamilies

Navigating the waters of blended families.

5 Secrets for Building a Strong Marriage

Greg and Brenda’s view of marriage expands through the influence of Family Life’s Weekend to Remember conferences.

Adoption Means New Life for More Than Orphans

Texas couple gives up their empty nest to build home for 2 Kazakhstan children.

Marriage Reconciled Despite Infidelity

Taiwanese woman trusts God to bring her unfaithful husband back.

Answering God's Call Through Adoption

A family feels God’s call to adopt and help orphans.

Honoring Your Parents With a Tribute

Writing a tribute to your parents can be a meaningful way to honor them.

My Story: Our Call to Adopt

When our youngest child turned 18, my husband, Greg, thought that we could relax, enjoy our grandchildren, and just “grow old together.” But in my heart I knew that we weren’t complete … I wanted to adopt. Greg did not feel the same way.

Our Story: We Started By Checking a Box

We had been married for 14 years when we went to our first Weekend to Remember® marriage conference in 1988. Until then, Gloria had never been away from our four children for the night.

My Story: We Couldn't Stop Arguing

On June 28, 2006, after another heated argument brought me to the point of calling a marriage counselor, my husband forwarded an e-mail to me at work. The subject line read: "Conference Registration Received."

Couple Becomes Foster Parents After Radio Broadcast

Tennessee family responds to radio program by hosting foster children.

Answering the Cry of the Orphan

This week, Nov. 17-21, Dennis Rainey of FamilyLife Today will devote his daily broadcasts to showing people how to play an important role in responding to the world's 130 million orphans.

Do You Really Need Your Spouse?

Maybe today your mate acts like he doesn't need you. Worse yet, she has lost sight of how she needs you. But there's hope.

Seeking Children Find More Than Eggs for Easter

Missouri Easter Egg Hunt becomes annual event.

An Empty Trunk Sparks New Beginning

On the brink of divorce, a Canadian couple turn to a marriage conference and find unexpected change.

Give Your Spouse the Best Gift 

Why prayer is the best gift you can give on Valentine’s Day.

Giving Hope to Others

Kim and I know firsthand the difference between a terrible marriage and a healthy marriage, and we have a passion to help other couples.

Being Happy Together When the Nest is Empty

Adjusting to different marriage dynamics after the kids leave home can be challenging.

A Legacy of Spiritual Multiplication

Barbara and I had been married only a few years when we led our first group using FamilyLife’s HomeBuilders Couples Series®. We had each gone through a painful divorce and were determined to protect our new marriage.

Man Seeking to Save Marriage Finds Salvation

Description: Idaho man discovers more than the secret to marital bliss at a marriage and family conference.

Couple's Marriage Weathers Storm of Adversity

Description: Death, fire, and transition lead Alabama couple to marriage conference.

Why I Changed Careers

John Stokes from FamilyLife explains how he joined the ministry mid-career and why he does it.

Weekend Getaway Encourages Commitment to Abstinence

Mother seeks to end destructive pattern in family by teaching daughter about purity.

My Story: On the Mountaintop or in the Valley

Not too long after Mike and I married, he was invited to join a church league softball team. He really enjoyed playing softball, and was free on Monday nights (when the team played), so he assumed that the answer was a no-brainer. Of course he would play!

Changed Life Wins Back Husband

Wife perseveres in difficult marriage to see the light on the other side.

From Shaky Ground to Solid Foundation

Less than a decade ago, my marriage was on shaky ground. Although Keith and I were both Christians, we didn’t know God’s plan for our family.

Responding to Troubled Times

It’s natural for us to be worried. Many of us are counting on our investments for helping our children with college and for living expenses in our later years. At times like this, we need some perspective.

When a Baby Dies

In the face of death of baby Molly, Dennis Rainey and his family was left with a choice of whether to trust God or to get angry with Him, deny Him or go off on their own.

Workaholic Learns from Mistakes

Renewed focus on family helps Trinidad businessman do great things for God.

Mastering Your Money in Marriage

A Bible study to learn to communicate with your spouse in practical ways to problem-solve financial issues.

40 Lessons We Sought to Teach Our Children

Dennis and Barbara Rainey give ideas about how to focus on biblical priorities to help your kids grow in faith and godly character.

Marriage Makeover

How Bill and Lisa Jarrell's renewed marriage commitment influences the next generation.

Divorce Papers Burned

Jason and Allison remarry each other 2 weeks after a Weekend to Remember marriage conference.

The FamilyLife Today® iPhone App

Find daily encouragement for your marriage and family right at your fingertips with the free FamilyLife Audio iPhone, iPad, and iTouch app.

The Good Fight

After a Weekend to Remember conference, Scott and Suzette Garmon have chosen to fight for each other, rather than give up their marriage.

FamilyLife Launches Short, Inexpensive Marriage Event

The Art of Marriage is a 1-1/2 day conference you can host in your community.

Legacy of a Love Letter

Today might be the perfect day to put to pen your love for your spouse.

11 Rules on Marriage You Won't Learn in School

Here's some practical, counter-cultural advice on how to make marriage work.

How Do You Want to Be Remembered?

All of us are called by God to leave something behind -- to have an impact on the next generation.


How to contact us with questions or feedback

Why Do So Many Kids Leave The Church?

Christian parents want their children to grow up to walk with Christ. So we’re dismayed when we see so many leaving the church as young adults.

Marriage, Parenting and Family Bible Studies

Learn how to have fun while strengthening your marriage, building friendships and sharing God’s love through small group studies.

He Had Two Affairs in 18 Months

David wanted nothing to do with his wife or marriage.

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