Inner City

Live at the Bus Stop

Students with Chicago’s Urban Immersion reach out to teens.

Jan Stewart

Standing on a Chicago street corner, Stephen Seitz and his college friend Blake Burnette felt rather nervous. Holding bags of candy, they attempted to engage in spiritual conversations with high-school students waiting for the bus after school.

They were there with Urban Immersion, part of a national outreach with Here’s Life Inner City, a ministry of Cru. “The weeklong program for college students involves a mix of urban, campus and city-church partners living in the hood,” says Brad Harry, a Cru staff member.

When Stephen and Blake headed back to join others in their group, they spotted two students. Stephen talked with Lawrence, a freshman who was interested in spiritual questions, even having good answers.

Stephen asked him, “Did you ever put your trust in Jesus?” Lawrence said no, but he wanted to. “I told him, ‘You can pray and receive Christ right now.’” So they prayed together on the sidewalk.

Looking over at Blake, Stephen saw him praying with George, Lawrence’s friend. George also prayed and received Christ.

“I felt that if I came to Chicago for only one reason, this was it,” says Stephen. “When I least expected it, God worked in a big way.”

Ten others began relationships with Jesus during Urban Immersion.


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