Ressources pour suivre Jésus

Here are some resources to help you in your new journey with Christ.

Série de Courriel : Le spirituel Starter Kit

This free 7-part email series covers the most essential and foundational concepts of what it means to walk with Christ.

Each email will help you understand something very important about your relationship with God.

You can discontinue this series anytime. Just unsubscribe at the bottom of any email. We do not sell or share your email address with anyone. Ever.

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Comment être rempli du Saint-Esprit

Jesus promised that God’s Holy Spirit would satisfy the deepest longings of all who believe in Jesus Christ. However, many Christians do not understand the Holy Spirit or how to experience Him in their daily lives.

The following principles will help you understand and enjoy God’s Holy Spirit.

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App gratuite : Premiers pas

First Steps is foundational follow-up material to help ground new Christians in their faith, take their first steps in their relationship with God, and even to help equip them to share their faith with others. 

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Autres ressources utiles

Your New Relationship With God

You invited Jesus to come into your life, and He did, but what does this mean for you now?

10 Basic Steps Toward Christian Maturity Series

This series takes a new Christian through topics such as the Holy Spirit, prayer, and the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.

The New Growth Series

This 7-part series includes topics such as: Is God in my life now? Who is the Holy Spirit? What is God's plan for my life?

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