Profils du personnel

Conversations : Rencontrer du personnel membre Sarah Helena Awuy

Sarah Helena Awuy

Campus Ministry Staff Member in Indonesia

Sarah has been a staff member with Cru in Indonesia since August 1998. She served with the campus ministry in the city of Jakarta before moving to Bandung in 2000. Sarah has a degree in French Education and speaks four languages. She has been married to Arthur since 2007.

What do you think makes a successful leader?
Enthusiasm, creativity, a heart to change and a heart to do what you have learned.

To improve your ministry, have you changed something in the last year?
The last year, if the students didn't do something, I would say [to myself], "You're going to have to do that if they aren't ready to do it." But now, I tell the students that if they don't know how to do something, I will help them. I changed my style. Sometimes I feel that I can do it alone, but now I realize that a team is better than one person.

Describe a moment when you trusted God for something bigger than yourself.
This year, to have a bigger movement with the students, we need to raise support, 100 million Indonesian Rupiah [about $10,700 U.S.]. We have to trust God for that. That's really huge for us to raise the money we need because in the past few months, everything has gotten higher in price. For so many people in Bandung, I think this is a difficult time for them.

What do you do for fun?
I like watching films and playing chess with my husband. Also, sometimes I go out with the students and go to the mall, talking and walking.

How do you help build spiritual movements everywhere?
Besides ministry with Cru, I help the church by mentoring the youth. I also try to find people from other organizations to tell them about our vision and mission, what we are doing now and what we have done in the past, asking them to pray, help and fund.

Do you have a favorite quote?
"Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for His glory." William Carey

Why did you join Cru?
As a student, I had my own future dreams. I wanted to be a teacher and also wanted to continue my studies and become a psychology professor so I could know people more. I love to learn about people, how they live. While I was studying, I learned much more about how to share with others about God's love. I felt that I had a burden for other students.

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