Membres du personnel missionnaire

Comment est mon affectation déterminée ?

As you work through the application process, our hiring team will work with you to determine your ministry assignment. This may include choosing which Cru ministry you'll be working with, as well as your location, ministry focus and team(s).

Your assignment will be confirmed before you attend New Staff Orientation.

When will I begin to work with my ministry assignment?

Support raising, or Ministry Partner Development (MPD), will aways be your first assignment as Cru staff, starting immediately after your New Staff Orientation.

During this phase, you and your MPD coach will determine best place for you to live – for most people, this is a place where they have the most relationships and connections with family, friends, and churches. 

After you have raised 100% of your financial support goal, your  coach will clear you to move and report to your assigned ministry placement and team.

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