Utilisez vos compétences

Explorer des rôles opérationnels

You've studied and worked to develop some great business skills that could be used in a Christ-centered office supporting the work of missionaries in the US and the world. Cru has operational and support roles that cover a really wide variety of work you may be passionate about.

  • Web and App Development
  • UI/UX Development
  • Services to staff serving overseas
  • Communications, writing and photography
  • Ministry for and with missionary kids
  • Marketing strategies implementation
  • Video production
  • Conference and events planning
  • Contact management for donors and partners
  • Recruiters and Partnership Builders
  • Administrative assistance to Cru executives
  • Financial management and accounting
  • Contracts and Auditing
  • Information systems
  • Customer Services and Quality improvements

And many more! Your contributions using your God-given skills can help us all reach millions more people for Christ.

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