
Moyen Orient

Sponsored by Ministères de cru dans HI AZ, CA,

Come to the most open country in the Muslim world. The Christian church once thrived in this country. Come join us as we trust God to “reclaim” this territory for his name! With the volatility in this region, now is the time to go as God has opened up a window where many students are coming to faith. In this highly relational culture where students love to get to know Americans, you'll have the opportunity to take the initiative in the power of the Holy Spirit and really leave the results up to God. You will be doing campus ministry, meeting students and building relationships with some of the friendliest people in the world. Come be a part of the miracles God is doing in this spiritually thirsty land. And the food is awesome too!

Partnering Campuses - UC Santa Barbara, UC Irvine, Fresno State

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