
Nicaragua - Managua

Sponsored by Missions globales

Our scope is Every. Every student. Every campus. Everywhere. However we are currently engaging only 28% of the world’s student populations with God is possible. It takes years to raise up teams of language-ready staff who are equipped to reach a student population area. But what if we spent several months while based in Latin American country looking for Key Volunteers on these unreached campuses and nearby Christian fellowships? What if we trusted God to raise up local believers to help launch spiritual movements on the university campuses? What if we trusted Him to do it every day throughout Latin America? This amazing internship opportunity will enable you to see God at work in a people with a vibrant life and yet little opportunity to hear and see the gospel lived out in their midst. Engage in making spiritual connections will meeting special needs of people in tough places. You will spend a couple of months at a time in Nicaragua sharing the Gospel and finding key volunteers in cities around the country. Then during the year you will also travel on Expedition to 3-4 new locations for a month at a time around Latin America to find Key Volunteers who might turn the tables at universities currently unengaged by the gospel. Each month, a new city, a new place to sleep, finding local churches with which we will partner, and trust God will lead us to Key Volunteers. This year will give you the opportunity to experience the culture and people of Nicaragua while also engaging in the adventure of an Expedition to find and equip local believers.

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