
Standard Pathway


The Standard Pathway organizes the first fifteen Collaborative Discipleship lessons to help believers who are already grounded in the foundations of the Christian faith. With this pathway students can be prepared to start new discipleship groups by the end of the first semester.

A list of these first fifteen lessons are below. To see the first fifteen lessons and how all 50 lessons are organized visually, click on this image to view the PDF.

Standard Pathway:

  1. How to be Filled with the Spirit
  2. The Great Commission
  3. How to Use the KGP Conversationally
  4. Our Identity in Christ
  5. Sexual Purity
  6. The Surrendered Life of a Disciple
  7. Spiritual Multiplication and Stages of Discipleship
  8. How and Who to Invite into Discipleship
  9. How to Use Collaborative Discipleship
  10. How to Make Disciples
  11. How to Lead a Small Group
  12. How to Confess and Breathe Spiritually
  13. How to Use Soularium and Share Your Faith Story
  14. How to Pray and Worship
  15. Christian Fellowship

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