Ministry Development Tools

To equip a disciple to become a spiritual multiplier.

  • Practical Christian Living (Leaders Guide) – A two-part series designed to help a person grow from their initial commitment to Christ to a level of spiritual maturity that results in discipling others (2 Timothy 2:1-2).
  • Destined for Ministry – The third part of a mentoring/discipleship series designed to equip you to carry out Jesus' mission, the Great Commission. Suitable for adults of any age or walk of life.
  • God Space by Doug Pollock – A great book on how to open doors for spiritual conversations by asking Spirit led questions as you listen to others.
  • Make the Net Work – A seven session study that helps believers learn to start spiritual conversations, prepare and share their conversion story, and transition to share a clear gospel presentation.
  • Questioning Evangelism by Randy Newman – An excellent book that helps believers share Christ by using the probing, provocative, and penetrating method Jesus used to engage others in personal dialogue and caring interaction.
  • Finding Common Ground by Tim DownsHow to communicate with your unbelieving friends and coworkers in a way that won't seem pushy, intolerant, or judgmental.

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