Leading Small Groups

Small Group Icebreakers

Small Group Icebreakers

Icebreakers encourage people to get to know each other. Here are 15 ideas for icebreakers you can use at your next small group gathering.

Soularium™ IceBreaker

Soularium™ IceBreaker

Soularium is a great tool for sharing your faith but it can also be a great icebreaker to get your group connected to one another by hearing their stories. Read more about how to use Soularium as an icebreaker.

Preparing the Small Group Lesson

Preparing the Small Group Lesson

There are two important phases to preparing a lesson. First apply the lesson yourself then discover the big idea of the lesson. Read more on how to plan and prepare for your time with your small group.

Small Group Lesson Template

Small Group Lesson Template

Here is a quick-guide for preparing a Small Group lesson. Cut it out and keep it in your Bible so you always have it on-hand.

Small Group Structure Made Simple

Small Group Structure Made Simple

Small groups are tremendous places to build redemptive relationships where you pray for one another, study the scriptures and encourage others to stay strong in the Lord. Learn more about how to structure a small group. 

Small Groups With a Purpose

Small Groups With a Purpose

Leading a small group takes planning. Before you begin your group ask yourself these questions: Why am I leading this group? Where do I want it to go? How do I plan to get there? Check out this article to help you prepare for your study. 

Guiding a Group Discussion

Guiding a Group Discussion

Looking for ways to guide a group discussion? This article will walk through how to keep an engaging and active discussion with your bible study. 

Asking Good Questions

Asking Good Questions

Questions are an essential part of a bible study. It provides engagement from the group and an opportunity to share thoughts. Read more to learn about the different types of questions to ask to engage your group.

Creating the Right Small Group Environment

Creating the Right Small Group Environment

A key element to every group is the mood or tone. What happens apart from the content helps to enhance (or sometimes destroy) your group members‘ experiences. Some groups seem to soar and that’s partly due to a comfortable environment.

Challenging Students to Small Group Involvement

Challenging Students to Small Group Involvement

In a healthy, growing campus ministry, students shouldn’t simply be asked to join a Small Group, but rather challenged to a Small Group appropriate to their level of maturity and comittment.

Your First Group Meeting

Your First Group Meeting

The first group meeting is a crucial one. People will sometimes decide whether they will return based on this meeting. It‘s also a unique meeting since group members are often unfamiliar with each other as well as where and when to meet. 

Crucial Elements of a Small Group

Crucial Elements of a Small Group

A prospering small group will have each of these elements: Christ-centered focus, community, each person richly experiencing Christ, progressive life-change and outward impact. Read more on how to apply these to your bible study. 

Handling Discussion Problems

Handling Discussion Problems

The crash of a small group discussion can be ugly. You may wonder what made you choose to lead a group. Leaders often struggle with the unexpected because they don’t anticipate difficult situations and are unsure how to respond when they arise. You need to prepare for certain surprises.

Launching and Leading a Small Group

Launching and Leading a Small Group

Leading a small group gives you the opportunity to invest—and perhaps make the same sort of impact—in someone else’s life! Anyone can lead a small group and here you will find the tools to help guide you. 

Gospel Centered Community Groups

Gospel Centered Community Groups

As we minister to the student generation, we must create environments in which students can experience Christ in relationship with others. Surely, there is more than one way to address this need. Here we consider how small groups can be a vital part of this solution.

How to Lead a Prayer Meeting

How to Lead a Prayer Meeting

Could anything be easier than leading a simple prayer meeting? Well, certainly nothing is easier than leading a boring prayer time, but leading an engaging time of worship and prayer—that’s a challenge. This article will help walk you through the paces.

Small Groups That Reach Out

Small Groups That Reach Out

Many small groups study the Word and provide strength and encouragement for the members. But sadly, often groups never turn the corner from “getting” to “giving.” Learn more about how to go beyond the group to reach other people.

Building Community in Your Small Group

Building Community in Your Small Group

Relationships are the glue that hold small groups together. Creating an environment where people can deepen their relationship with one another is a big part of leading a small group. 

When Spiritual Seekers Join Your Bible Study

When Spiritual Seekers Join Your Bible Study

Creating an atmosphere where believers and spiritual seekers can engage in discussions about Jesus.

The Essentials

The Essentials

The “Essentials of Spiritual Growth and Multiplication” is a small-group discussion series. It is designed to help students grow in Christ and become involved in ministry and multiplication as soon as possible.

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