Articles on Faith-topics:share-your-faith/how-to-share-your-faith

Classic Cru

See a collection of classic Cru material from founder Bill Bright to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus.

Share the Gospel

Learn to develop your skills, desire and ability to join others on their spiritual journeys and take them closer to Jesus.

Unwelcome Delays or Divine Interruptions?

What if instead of viewing interruptions this Christmas as unwelcome delays, you strive to see them as divine opportunities for inviting others into conversations of some spiritual significance?

Celebrate a “First” This Christmas

This Christmas, you can introduce someone to Jesus in a fresh way.

After-Christmas Conversations About Jesus

Just because Christmas is over doesn’t mean you have to stop talking about the greatest gift God has given us in Jesus Christ.

A Welcome Form of Evangelism

Going door-to-door with a Bible may be taboo any other time of the year, but during Christmas Season, singing the gospel is still captivating.

Overcoming Fear Factors

As believers, how can we move from fear to courageous action?

Why You're Stuck in Your Faith Journey

If you’re not growing, it might be because you’re not helping someone else.

3 Lessons from the Well

One conversation with Jesus changed a Samaritan woman’s life. These three lessons from the well can help you grow in your faith and share that faith with your neighbors.

What Happens When People Google “Jesus”

We turn to the internet for our ordinary, mundane, and sometimes embarrassing questions. But we also look to this infinite store of knowledge for answers to life's most complex moral, intellectual, and spiritual quandaries.

Was It a Waste of Time?

Opportunity to talk about Jesus doesn’t go as planned for one woman on an airplane.

Prayer, Care and Share

Learning ways to include evangelism in your daily life.

Overcoming Fears and Excuses

One man’s internal struggle to share the gospel will shine insight into your fears in witnessing.

Not Missing An Opportunity to Share Jesus

While waiting for a bus in Kansas, an Ethiopian Cru® staff member meets a man from an unreached people group in his home country. He shares the gospel with him using an app, and the man decides to follow Jesus.

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