Articles on Faith-topics:spiritual-growth/discipleship

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Help Others Grow

Help others in their faith journey through discipleship and mentoring.

Why You're Stuck in Your Faith Journey

If you’re not growing, it might be because you’re not helping someone else.

How to Experience the Power of Community

Find out how one young man’s life was changed for good when he learned to experience Christ in relationship with others.

How To Grow in Love for Your Neighbor

Do you want to see your relationship with your neighbor grow? Here are five tips to help your friendship blossom.

How to Choose a Church Home

Choosing a church can be overwhelming! We want to offer some perspective to guide you through the important process of finding a church to call home.

Daughters of Eve

God created us uniquely, men and women, but both in His image. I want to explore the unique aspects of how women experience life-change and growth.

Building Life-Changing Friendships in the Everyday

Understanding the value of community to know others and share your love of Jesus doesn’t just happen – it takes intention.

Mentoring: To Learn Twice

As Marilyn Jarrett teaches others, she gains a deeper understanding about discipleship.

Becoming a Mentor: Learning from Lynn Wood

When Lynn Wood became a Christian, her sister-in-law was excited. But who would mentor her?

Three Cards to Play in Discipleship

When I started spiritually building into the lives of others, I easily played the truth card first. Got a problem? “Here’s your deep-seated issue.” You don’t see a problem? “Let me tell you your problem!”

If You Want to Make Disciples, Simplify Your Playbook

A ministry to athletes in Minnesota saw spectators become leaders, thanks to the playbook they learned from Jesus.

Helping New Believers Grow

Six essential steps to start someone on the road toward Christian maturity.

Do You Disciple?

Two Cru staff members share their advice on discipleship, a commonly used term yet vaguely understood subject. Discipleship is walking alongside someone; challenging them to study and live out the Bible in their life, and to influence others with the gospel.

How a Chain of Eight Disciples Grew in 30 Years

God has an intentional plan for your life. If you choose to follow Christ and walk with him as a committed disciple, you may end up influencing the lives of many.

The Leadership Model

What makes for a good, or even great, leader? Learn to identify the essential qualities of a godly leader from these biblical figures.

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