Articles on Faith-topics:spiritual-growth/giving

Comment être généreux avec votre vie Unique

Si vous êtes une infirmière, un avocat ou vous avez été sur la lune, Dieu unique vous a donné des chances d’être généreux avec votre vie et d’exprimer sa générosité.

When Giving Causes Shame and How to Conquer It

God sees our hearts as we give to him, even when we feel ashamed. He is like a dad who sees his daughter as she gives him a plastic donut.

Giving is a Surprising Way to Worship God

Jesus gave Himself as a fragrant sacrifice. Our gifts to God can also be an expression of worship.

A Women’s Group That Fulfills a Generous Vision

After desiring more than a traditional Bible study group, one woman started a Women of Vision group that gives to gospel-centered work overseas.

A Generous CFO who is Changing the World

Marilyn launched a movement of generous givers in Southeast Asia and is influencing the world.

How to Wash the Feet of People Who Hate Us

"In the days when television was a luxury we could not afford, we would sit on the linoleum floor around my great-grandmother’s rocking chair and listen to her tell stories..."

What is Your Burden?

Find what ministry God might be calling you toward

Gift Guide: What Gifts Can You Give That Make a Difference?

Looking for gifts that give back? Check out this gift guide!

10 Basic Steps to Christian Maturity

What does it take to grow in your walk with God?

What Are Spiritual Gifts?

Spiritual gifts are meant to help you walk in the will of God and serve the people around you. Learn where they come from and tips to help you use yours.

How to Be Generous With Your Unique Life

Whether you’re a nurse, a lawyer or you’ve been to the moon, God has uniquely given you opportunities to be generous with your life and express His generosity.

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