Articles on Secular-topics:health/mental-health

4 Practical Things to Do Instead of Worrying

We cross the line into worry when we start to dwell on the things we can't control. So how do we stop? And how do we prevent it?

To the Depressed Christian

As a Christian, depression tempted me to distrust God. I was desperately seeking the deliverance He seemed to withhold from me.

The Worst Way to Counsel a Friend

If a friend or someone you know is hurting or feels hopeless, learn how to walk alongside them with compassion, gentleness and comforting truth.

How God Is Healing My Depression

When the lie “I am worthless” is cemented in your head, how do you find hope? Take a seat, and learn how God cares about your depression.

I Shared the Gospel with Oprah

A college student explained to Oprah Winfrey how God has restored her purity and hope after experiencing the horror of rape.

But Christians Aren’t Supposed To Be Broken

The depression was gone, but I was surprised to find that the brokenness remained. My wound had been healed, and I was still broken.

Bullying Almost Broke Me

I never wanted to forgive those who hurt me.

Mental Health Resources

No matter what you are going through, the pain you are feeling or where life has taken you, you are not alone. We want to help you move toward healing with these mental health resources.

Are You Sick and Tired of Boredom in Your Life? There’s Hope.

Boredom can be an emotional black hole. Avoid falling in by learning healthy ways to manage it.

The Unseen Crisis Among College Women

Chronic mental health problems are on the rise, raising serious issues for those working with female students.

Suicide Prevention Resources

Are you dealing with suicidal thoughts and depression or know someone who is? Here you'll find articles, studies and stories of others' personal experiences with suicide and depression.

Giving Life Another Chance

Give life another chance. You may be reading this article because you are contemplating killing yourself. Or perhaps you know someone who is. If you are at the end of your rope there are suicide hotlines and other resources here.

How Can You Be Set Free From Pornography Addiction?

Many men and women struggle to find victory over pornography. Explore this life-changing journey to find hope and resources to conquer this addiction.

Resolution Movement - Sign up for the Email Series

Do hurts and struggles drag you down? Are you looking for healing from anxiety, depression, loneliness or porn use? Sign up for the nine-part email series from the Resolution Movement.

Depression: Antidepressants and the Spiritual Dimension

All of life is a spiritual learning experience. God is there for people who are suffering. People can really experience God's help and presence in the valley of depression.

The Day I Planned to Die

On the way to commit suicide, a teen hears a voice in his head that tells him not to. A few days later he finds out what stopped him.

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