Articles on Secular-topics:life-issues/busyness

Searching For Sabbath

Building rest and restoration into the rhythm of life.

My Strange Journey of Being Available To God

How being available opens the way for friendships and opportunities to introduce others to Jesus.

When You Can't Get It Together

“I began to tell Him what he already knew: I can’t do it. I can’t make sure everybody likes me. I can’t stop eating sugar. I can’t focus in my time with Him.”

Sometimes You Just Need to Stop

Staff member Jill Felix explains her journey of learning how to stop in the middle of a society that doesn’t promote rest or practice rest, well.

What Gives Hope in the Crazy of Parenting?

We’ve all been there as parents. When the days seem too long or the problems too big to handle, where do we turn for support and encouragement?

4 Questions for Anyone Struggling to Pray

Since prayer is our main form of communication with God, prayer itself is the relationship. Here are 4 ways we can look at our relationships with people to learn about our relationship with God.

3 Ways Busy People Can Give the Gift of Their Time

The holidays are coming up, and your to-do list is already full. You know it’s important to give and share, but how will you find the time?

How To Be Present During the Holidays

Does the holiday season bring too much busyness, stress and disappointment? Do you long for a different kind of experience? Here are six tips to help you be more present over the holidays.

Life Can Be a Symphony If You Don’t Neglect the Rests

A working life that pleases God is like a musical composition – the rests are as crucial as the notes you play.

How to Avoid Burnout: A Shift in Perspective

What I heard in church and from the Christian culture was “die to yourself,” “consider others as more important than yourself,” “sacrifice yourself for the cause of Christ.” But when these good biblical principles were applied through the cultural grid of “success” – with no mention of biblical rest – it led to my burnout.

Getting It Together: Avoiding Stress and Focusing on Christ

Author and speaker Cindi Ferrini shares how you can balance work and rest in everyday life.

Confessions of A Burnt Out Missionary

In America, being busy and working so hard that you don’t rest is seen as a badge of honor. But take it from someone who’s burnt out, that’s a total farce.

Burnout Saved My Life

A workaholics dramatic collapse lead to a fresh approach to life and ministry.

A Practical Guide to Hearing From God

The hectic pace of life can keep us from meeting with God and hearing from Him. This article shows some practical ways to connect with God amid your busy day.

How To Handle Pressure

The 2 most important things to remember

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