Articles on Secular-topics:life-issues/friendship

This Is What Happens When You Get Over Yourself

How to embrace and value the stories of others as strongly as you do your own.

The Worst Way to Counsel a Friend

If a friend or someone you know is hurting or feels hopeless, learn how to walk alongside them with compassion, gentleness and comforting truth.

3 Ways to Care for Your Depressed Friend

If you’re unsure if your loved one is actually depressed or if you’re terrified to leave them alone, here are three things they need from you right now.

How to Love the Neighbor You've Never Met

Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors, but for many, that remains a struggle. Here are three small steps to help you start.

Want to Know How to Change Your Life? You Need Community

If you want to change your life, you can not do it on your own. Sharing your struggles with others may seem intimidating, but if you find the right people, it can transform you.

Finding the Courage to Change in Community

Who are you surrounding yourself with? Where are you looking for hope? Discover the courage to change.

Subscribe to The Deeper Dive

Why not explore building stronger friendships with an email series designed for you? Take The Deeper Dive.

Men, You Are in a War - Learn How to Fight These 3 Enemies

Men face unique challenges as they live out their faith. Learn what they are and how to fight them.

Dear Christian Man, Why Are You so Lonely?

Why hundreds of Facebook friends can still leave us without the relationships we long for.

10 Things to Do While You're Single

Being single is actually a gift, if you treat it as such. It gives you the opportunity to do some things that would become more difficult after marriage, and properly prepare for marriage – if that's your goal.

9 Ways to Be a Good Neighbor

If you want to help people get to know Jesus, try starting right where you live. Here are real-life ideas for sharing your faith in your neighborhood.

Six People You Want in Your Friend Group

Our culture is obsessed with #squadgoals. We want a glamorous squad that can conquer the world. What are your actual “squad goals”? Who are the six people you truly need in your squad?

How to Grow Friendships That Last a Lifetime

Life is full of unexpected challenges. You were not meant to face them alone. Learn how to build healthy friendships that can offer support when you need it the most.

Are All Your Friends Just Like You?

What American Christians miss by not building friendships with people who are different from them.

Building Life-Changing Friendships in the Everyday

Understanding the value of community to know others and share your love of Jesus doesn’t just happen – it takes intention.

Refreshing Conversation

Five practical ideas about evangelism for daily life.

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