Articles on Target-audience:students/college-students

What Can Christians Learn From a Sorority?

What started as an outlet for Ruth to talk about her faith and make friends has actually shown her what Christians can learn from sororities.

Rethinking Men's Time

Practical Ways to Improve Your Next Men’s Time.

Community 2:8 (Evangelistic Community)

Our incredibly high ratio of exposures to involved new believers has left me longing for our evangelistic approaches to be not only successful, but also effective.

Legal Internship

Join us for a summer during law school to develop professionally and spiritually.

Headquarters Internships

Learn about one-year internships at our World Headquarters in Orlando.

Summer Missions

Want a summer that could change people, cities, and countries worldwide while also transforming your life? 2021 Summer Missions with Cru could do just that.


Partnering with urban churches to meet physical and spiritual needs.


Helping students know Jesus, grow in their faith and go to the world to tell others.

5 Tips To Help You Make New Friends

There’s no course or handbook on making friends, especially in college. But there’s a few simple how-tos that can help you out.

Becoming a Builder: A Conversation with Emiliano Monteiro

Haunted by Pilate's question "what is truth?" Emiliano Monteiro finds peace when friends help him overcome his spiritual objections to faith.

Ben Carter

Varsity soccer player at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Mich.

My Story: Attrace Chang

Attrace Chang knew Jesus died for her sins, but still didn’t really embrace her need for a Savior until God showed her how broken she really was.

My Story: Sarina Martinez

Sarina Martinez, at Northern Illinois University, accepted Christ in September 2010. Her life has changed dramatically, and now she is determined to tell others where her new-found freedom comes from.

My Story: Ryan Chesler

A student finds out who Jesus is on Boise State University campus.

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