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When God Is Silent, What Do You Do?

Alisa Sanborn


Do you ever feel like God is silent in the midst of big decisions?

You are not alone.

When you are at a crossroads and seeking direction, you may keep asking God what to do and waiting for Him to show you which path to take.

This is exactly how I felt when I graduated from college. I had two amazing options in front of me, but I couldn’t pick one. I kept asking God to lead me but felt as though I heard nothing from Him.

So how could I step forward without knowing what option was God’s will for my life?

Is God Waiting on You?

What if you looked at it another way?

Instead of you waiting on God, He is waiting on you.

Waiting for you to put your faith into action. To step forward and trust Him. This response is what God was challenging me with.

I felt like He was silent and leaving me to decide on my next steps all by myself. In reality, God was with me the entire time, and He wanted me to step out in faith. He knew exactly what step I should take, but the part I didn’t like was that I didn’t.

While trying to surrender, I found I was clinging to control. I wanted to know what God had for me before I moved in trust. But sometimes, He leads us to take steps of action. He leads us to move first in faith and then reveals our path.

What would we be trusting God with if we knew the exact path and steps to take? Where is the faith element in that?

What God Wants From Us

God desires for us to move and follow Him in steps of faith and trust. But sometimes we just don’t move.

Sometimes we get stuck in fear. Things that are in motion are easier to direct and redirect. So when we feel like God is silent, go to Him for guidance — pray about what you need and read His Word. But then, step forward in faith.

If you are regularly talking to God and surrendering your next steps to Him, you can be assured that He will guide you.

Proverbs 3:6, New International Version,  says, “In all your ways, submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”  

You can cling to God’s promise and confidently move forward in faith. God does not make mistakes; no decision you make will go unnoticed by God.

You can never ruin God’s plan and will for your life — He’s too big to let that happen.

Next Steps:

If you would like to know more on discerning God’s will, read “The Art of Discerning God’s Will.”

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