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Notes of Celebration

Rejoicing over two kinds of new birth

Mick Haupt

“What’s the name of that song?” I asked the nurse as a simple refrain played through a nearby speaker. “Brahms’ Lullaby,” she said. A familiar tune to almost anyone, it echoed for what seemed like the 20th time that day. The melody denoted another baby born in the labor and delivery unit of our hospital.

I am sure the song played through all the speakers of the hospital wing when our son was born the day before. It played in every room and every hallway. And it played for everyone to hear and rejoice that a cute, adorable, new creation of the Lord had entered the world. Once we knew the meaning, we smiled and celebrated each new life with our unknown fellow parents.

The mini-celebration we felt reminded me of another more significant celebration. Jesus tells three parables about items of great value being found: “Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost,” the shepherd wildly exclaims to all within earshot (Luke 15:6). What a party he must have thrown!

But a greater party roars elsewhere. In Luke 15:7, Jesus says, “There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents.” To play a part in a “lullaby” song being played in heaven because a new child enters God’s kingdom could be earth’s greatest honor. The birth of our baby was amazing, but it pales to the celebration in eternity when new spiritual life occurs here on earth.

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