Devotionals & Quiet Times - Blog

Of Great Value

Lauren Nicole Langston

I left the grocery store sticker-shocked. Eating healthy is not cheap.

As I put my cart away and double-checked my receipt, I worried that the groceries wouldn’t last until my next paycheck. Then something stopped me in my tracks. At least a dozen sparrows were flitting about, resting on carts and eating from bales of hay.

I must have stood there for five minutes; I couldn’t pull myself away. It was beautiful to see the sparrows relish in God’s provision.

Matthew 6:26 came to mind: “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (New International Version).

As I picked up my bags, I realized that in my hands was a perfect example of God’s continual provision that I so often fail to recognize. I am quick to see myself as the supplier, yet how beautiful it would be to rely on my true Provider, worry-free.

What joy it must bring Him to watch us enjoy the bounty of His harvest. I bet He can’t pull Himself away.

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