Thrive Studies


Thrive Studies


Leader's Guide


Why is it easier for us to get along with people who are like us rather than people who are different from us? Today we are going to talk about how to treat people who are different than you.


Read Luke 10:30-37

1.  Why do you think the two Jews passed him by?

2.  Why did the Samaritan stop and help him? (v. 33)

3.  What is the main point of Jesus’ story? (v. 37)

4.  What would this story look like if it took place in your neighborhood? Go through the story as a group or in pairs phrase by phrase and come up with a “your town” version of this parable. If Jesus were to tell this story in your neighborhood today, who would the characters be? What would the setting be? If you break into pairs, share your stories with each other afterwards.


5.   What are some different types of people in the world today?

6.   People who are similar often feel more comfortable together. Think about the lunchroom at your school. Together, make a list of the different types of people that are represented at those tables at lunch time.

7.   Look through the groups on the list. Why is it sometimes easier to care about and trust people who are similar to you rather than people who are different from you?

8.   Why is it important for us to show love to people who are different? What is the value of it?

9.   How did God demonstrate his love for you, even though you are different from him?

10.  Does knowing how God loves you make it easier for you to love people who are different? If so, why?

11.  What is the Holy Spirit’s role in helping you show love to people who are different?

12.  What are some things you can do this week to show love to someone who is different than you?

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