Thrive Studies

Tell 'Em – Leader's Guide

Thrive Studies

Tell Them


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God calls us to tell others the good news of Jesus Christ.

We often do not share Christ with others, because we are afraid to or because we just don’t know how.

Growth in confidence to share Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results to God.

When someone is drowning, it is an act of love to throw them a life preserver. In the same way, when someone is far from God, it is an act of love to tell them the good news about Jesus.


What I want the group to know and understand: Even though we may feel weak and foolish as we seek to tell people about Jesus, God gives us the privilege and power of working through us so that others hear his good news.

What I want the group to experience:
The joy and satisfaction that come from seeing God work through us to bring others to Himself.

How I want the group to respond: To begin sharing Christ with others.


As Dustin began to grow in his relationship with God and thought about talking to his friends about his faith, he was excited. After all, Jesus was changing his life. But he also felt nervous about it. How would he bring up the subject? What would he say? How would he handle it if he didn’t know the answer to someone’s question? As you think about talking to others about your faith in Jesus, how can you relate to Dustin’s experience?


1.  Read 1 Corinthians 2:1-5. What did the writer choose not to rely on when he was talking to people about Jesus?
Verses 1 and 4 say he didn’t rely on superior speech or persuasive words of wisdom.

2.  Why is it good to know we don’t need to be good with words or be super-wise to talk to people about Jesus?
Allow the group to discuss. God’s not limited by our limitations when he wants to work through us to help people know about him.

3.  What did the writer focus on when he talked to people about Jesus?
Verse 2 says he focused on Jesus and his death, which paid for our sins and made it possible for us to know God personally.

4.  How did the writer feel as he was talking to people about Jesus?

Verse 3 says he felt weak and afraid, so much so that he was trembling.

5.  Why is it good to know that weakness and fear don’t mean you can’t talk to people about Jesus?
Allow the group to discuss. Weakness and fear are common for just about everyone. It’s encouraging to know that God can work through us in spite of those feelings.

6.  Based on verse 4, what role does God’s Spirit play in us talking to people about Jesus based on verse 4?
He provides the power for us to talk to people about Jesus.

7.  According to verse 5, what happens when we take the initiative to talk to people about Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results to God?
Allow the group to discuss. People’s faith rests on the power of God, not people’s words.


8.  Take a minute to pray for God to open your heart to the people around you that need to know more of his love. Who does he bring to mind?
Allow the group to discuss.

9.  As a group brainstorm questions you could ask this person to bring up the topic of God.
Allow the group to discuss. Some possible questions include: On a scale of 1-10, how would you rank your desire to know God personally? At this point in your life, do you think you’re moving closer to God, further away, or staying the same? What kind of spiritual background do you have? If you could ask God one question, what would it be?

10. What are some ways you could explain the good news of Jesus Christ to this person?

Allow the group to discuss. Ideas include explaining the story of how you came into a relationship with Jesus or talking through a simple summary of the good news of Jesus Christ like the “Connecting with God” or “Would You Like to Know God Personally?” booklet.

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