Life & Relationships

God Made Me Multicultural, What Happens Now?


The video above explores Alex’s story of embracing her multicultural identity and her faith. See below for some highlights of her thoughts.

I’d always felt insecure about being multicultural. People talked about it being a good thing, but really I think it is a hard thing. Because I am part of both cultures, I sometimes feel I can’t fully belong in either. When I investigated what God had to say about this, He led me to the Samaritans.

The ancient Samaritans were a multicultural people: a group rejected by both its parent cultures — the Jews and the gentiles. The Samaritans were thought of as worthless, but God showed me that the Samaritans were people He loved (see Luke 10:30-37 & John 4:1-42). God bestows value on these people that were not valued by their society. This helped me realize that God sees me. He sees my multicultural makeup, and He made me lovingly with intentionality.

God gave each one of us a specific cultural makeup on purpose. I’m not saying it’s easy to be multicultural. However, embracing and living out of your multiculturalism can free you to live in harmony with your identity and help you draw closer to God. What will it look like for you to embrace it?

Want to learn more about embracing your unique identity?

Get your own multicultural worksheet

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