
Project Orange

International Justice Mission

There are 27 million people enslaved. They are literally in shackles and have no hope of securing their own freedom.

We are tired of little boys moving orange bricks in the orange sun all day long with no pay. We are tired of little girls having their dignity stripped away by men with orange credit cards.

Screen Shot 2013-01-16 at 3.01.46 PM We want to change how people think of Orange. For us it serves as a bright color to wake people up to the issue of human slavery. Orange is the banner under which we contend for every one of the 27 million faces who have no voice. Orange represents the bright hope we have in one day seeing an end to slavery.

Project Orange is an annual event/awareness campaign at Cal Poly SLO and is a great example of how to implement a Gospel In Action strategy at the local level.  Download the PDF to read how to make events like Project Orange a reality on your campus.



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