Advent Devotionals

Advent Devotional

Day 13

Erik Segalini
Advent Image 1

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Everyone remembers the words to this song for days one and two, and we all join in on “FIVE GOLD RINGS.” But by the time you get up to the 12th day, is it drummers drumming or swans swimming or pipers piping? I can’t keep the days and the gifts straight.

Today, take some time to number your blessings. At first it may seem like you can only think of a few. But God has given you so much: take nothing for granted. And list each blessing back to God in thanksgiving. I suggest you write it down, like it was a “thank you note” to God. Writing it down may bring things to mind that you forgot or left out. When you are done, sing it back to God. He loves to hear our praises.

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