Advent Devotionals

Advent Devotional

Day 8

Erik Segalini
Advent Image 1

Jingle Bells

My kids sing “Jingle Bells” all year long, and I find myself humming or singing along. There are actually several verses about Miss Fanny and her horse, but you only need to know the first verse to get along in a group. And Jingle Bells is a group kind of song. The words are easy to remember.

That is what is so powerful about the gospel of Jesus Christ. The facts are simple: Jesus came to earth to save us from our own sin, and when we accept that free gift of salvation, we are eternally secure with Him. It is simple to teach someone else about Him, and though there is much more to learn, the basics are enough to start with.

Still, there are some people who don’t want to hear about Jesus. They will tell you that they have already heard enough, and God is just not for them.

Some people don’t like the song “Jingle Bells,” either. But a group of people belting the song out, laughing together and having a good time singing it, makes joining in almost irresistible, and may draw that person to sing along.

The gospel can work the same way. Are people seeing the love and grace and power and acceptance that Jesus has given you? There is nothing attractive about religion, but who wouldn’t want a relationship like that?

Let’s not candy coat the gospel, but let’s not make it into drudgery either. Invite someone “to sing along” with you today: Tell them about a prayer God answered, or about why He is so real to you. Offer to pray with someone, not just for them. Let them see “what fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight.”

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