Prepare for Christmas with this 14-day interactive Advent devotional

Day 12 - Mary & Elizabeth

Rick James

Sharing the joy of the moment.

In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!”

Luke 1:42 (NIV)
Today's Passage – Luke 1:39-45 (NIV)

In the opening chapters of Luke, he does something unusual and looks away from Joseph and Zechariah and fixes attention on Mary and Elizabeth. The ancient world was far from flooded with texts exploring the female point-of-view, which is why Luke’s Gospel seems to come to us from another world – or another kingdom.

To add even more emphasis, a female perspective brackets the Gospel as a whole: at the end of the Gospels it is women who are at the crucifixion; women who are the only witnesses to where Jesus is buried; women who find the tomb empty; and in two of the gospels it’s women who are the first to meet the risen Lord. 

Now it’s probably true that Luke just happened to have access to these women, but God inspired Luke. In Luke, women are given an empowering platform from which to glorify God and give testimony to the Lord, and this is precisely what Mary marveled at: that God would choose to use her! 

“And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.” 

Both Mary and Elizabeth were honored, privileged, and valued. So are we. The good news of Jesus coming for us is for everyone, and everyone has the privilege and honor to bring Jesus to the world.


  • Why do you think the Gospel of Luke is purposefully bracketed with a female point-of-view and testimony?
  • Just as God entrusted Mary with bringing Jesus into the world, He has entrusted us to share that good news with the world. How does that make you feel?

Prayer Moment

Consider for a moment any prejudices or biases you may have about a person or group of people.

Go Deeper

Consider sharing the gospel using a brief conversational transition, “Sometime...” Learn more about it by visiting this link.

Rick James | West Chester, PA

Rick is an author and speaker, and the publisher of CruPress. He wrote A Million Ways to Die: The Only Way to Live.

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