Prepare for Christmas with this 14-day interactive Advent devotional

Day 5 - Mary | The Magnificat

Jamey Pappas

Mary makes God her focus.

And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior”

Luke 1:46-47 (ESV)
Today's Passage – Luke 1:46-55 (ESV)

Mary was chosen to give birth to the Savior of the world. But, why Mary? Was she the random “winner” of some kind of Divine Lotto?

Mary actually tells us why. And it’s nothing new. She had the same credentials God always looks for in the people he wants to use and bless: those who fear Him and are humble.

And, I’m guessing, like me, you’ve heard that before. God exalts the humble. Check. Yep, he blesses those who fear him. Got it.

The question is: How are we actually doing with that?

This little piece of Scripture is called the Magnificat, Mary’s prayer of magnification. To magnify the Lord is to focus on Him, and make Him look big. And it is the essence of humility. Who is the focus of my thoughts, my decisions, my future plans? Who am I trying to make look big?

Like most teen-aged girls, Mary had dreams for her life, marriage, and family. However, Mary also understood that there is no bigger blessing than to glorify God and serve Him, in whatever way He sees fit. She was willing to let those dreams and plans be interrupted.

And aren’t we glad she did.


  • What are some of your big dreams and plans for the future? Are you open to God interrupting those plans? Why or why not?
  • Is there something big you feel God may have for your future, but it is also producing fear because it is so big?

Prayer Moment

Mary was blown away that she, of all people, was chosen to serve God in this way. The honor of the call overshadowed her fear. Why? Because she knew the One who was calling her into service. 

Take the time to praise the One calling you into service, using Mary’s prayer as a starting point.

Go Deeper

Watch this video as Miss Margaret tells a story of the Spirit calling her to to get up and go and serve.

Jamey Pappas | San Luis Obispo, CA

Jamey loves Jesus, his family, and riding bikes in the dirt.

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